making my intro to the group. have kept trophs for some years. I'm in process of changing my sump and filter configuration. so I can seek out a new colony. im installing a constant water change system a canister along with my sump 🤔. I am in search of a Kasanga colony and takemates. I have collected some sweet fresh water shells at a nearby lake lake perfect size for shellies. I also have fully custom aqua scape I made and love to grow algae for fish to peck! lastly I would like to thank everyone for being active and sharing there experiences and knowledge!
Welcome to the crew mate. There is a group of wild RR's for sale on the east coast of the U.S. i beleive the Aubrey can ship if you're not within driving distance. Where do you live? Looking forward to seeing a vid of your set up once its stocked. 👍🙌